All around me I see good people who want to save the world. They are sick of the suffering. They have glimpsed the antidote. They want to share it with others.
So they talk about compassion. They ask us to choose love, to pray, and to elevate consciousness. They ask us to be the change we want to see. Many keep this up for decades, training in love and kindness.
And many inevitably burn out. They can’t keep it up as they realize they are also hate and fear.
Because if we identify as a body, all we see is other bodies. And then it doesn’t feel like you and I are the same.
We have different conditioning, experience, and often opposing beliefs. Your experience, thoughts, and feelings are not mine. We are deeply primed to be wary of others not part of our social group.
However, there is a much more radical truth before/beyond identification with a body.
There’s only the appearance of billions of other bodies, all appearing in/as YOU (All There Is).
And so everything thought about or done to an apparent other, YOU is always doing to/with/as/in YOU.
THAT is the realization that brings LOVE for all.