Someone shared the following soundtrack for this post via email 🙌


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Gilbert Ryle, in his book "Concept of Mind" called it the "ghost in the machine". I've always loved the zen story of the student who came to the master asking for help to quiet his mind. The master said "bring me your mind", and the student said "I can't find it", to which the master replied "there, it is quiet". Just like the lines of latitude and longitude, it is simply a social convention.

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I have applied for non-dual citizenship.

Mainly because I plan to travel, out of my mind.

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A very logical body wrote that...awareness dictated I guess. Thanks Kat for always getting to the core of things.🙏🏼

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Isn’t all that is written here awareness dictated?


Written in Flow by Flow.

Right to the core.


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Brilliant. "enough of trying to heal a split that was never there." In trying to repair a misconception, we inadvertently perpetuate it. Classic unintended consequences.

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Where is my mind?

Someone magical should write a song about that.

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Perhaps mind is a verb, more precise as bodyminding. Minding seems to be active Presence, [maybe also a verb more precise as Presencing], when being limited and directed rather than absolute and still.

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Do you mind? 😄

Mind as verb, loving it!

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So logical and clear! I think I heard a *poof* while reading 🪄😄🙏🏻❤️

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Isn’t mind simply the non-physical aspect of the human being? Mind transcends and is not limited in space like body. And the self is the non-dual body-mind.

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I have never found a mind or a self.

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Perhaps you use the term awareness as I use mind. I would then say that awareness appears or manifests as a body. This non-dual awareness-body is what I find through inquiry.

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nobody minds :)

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YIPEE 🤸🏼‍♂️!!

This morning I made this post.

Bohm said, “THINKing is an extension of our PERCEPTION!

And Not primarily the accumulation of knowledge.”

Perception or sense is Key 🔑 and thinking is one aspect of sense.

MOVEment is also key in the pattern unFolding and enFolding.

Dynamic means constant movement. The change from unfolding to enfolding…


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Love the artwork! Strangely disturbing

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One can place the brain in a jar. So exactly where is the mind, inside the jar on the scientist's shelf?

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Fundamental, valid question in this mysterious world of ours!

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