Well, part of breaking out of the shell if realizing that there is no one in or out of the shell, and no one to go on with the facade of the shell or not. So this type of what-should-we-do question disappears.
Brillant. My last article is actually about cracking the egg. It’s about breaking free from the comfort of the familiar and venture into the unknown, even if it means facing fear of uncertainty. Too much comfort leads to support the programming in a vicious circle. 🙏
The crack in the egg of self leads to cracks in all "things" - everything that is "thinged" for our purposes.
Phrases like "the shell that never was" are enticingly liberating, and should be qualified with something like "and never will be." That there never was any real shell, that there can never be a permanent, static shell - these are liberating perceptions. And there is value in letting these perceptions soak for a while *without* an impending caveat that we need selves and shells in order to function as we do. WorldsArise sometimes refers to this as the "necessary illusion" or "shared dreaming."
We are still trying to figure out healthy ways to speak to this stuff.
The perception of "separate self" is a lie/illusion that we *have* to believe in order to exist, function, and take care of needs as we do. That makes it a kind of truth. Herein lies the mystery and crux of the mindfuck at the core of our experience. This is where g-d lives, where spirit works, and where thoughts & meaning source from.
So good and thought provoking.
My mind goes... how amazing if we didn't condition the next generation into their so-called identities. What a societal experiment!
And yet... I wouldn't want that experiment with my own child (out of fear of my so-called self).
So I'm left with.. do we need to go on with the facade of the shell, until we are ready to break out of it's illusion?
Well, part of breaking out of the shell if realizing that there is no one in or out of the shell, and no one to go on with the facade of the shell or not. So this type of what-should-we-do question disappears.
Thanks Kat. My non-body is still not completely out if itself ;)
Never one to mix metaphors on an empty stomach, I am minded to mention
"The Emperor's New Swaddling Clothes"
A truly eggistential problem! (You knew someone was going to say it right?)
This thread is becoming quite the scramble.
"break out of a shell that never was." Love this!
There is a cosmic egg on the cover of Liberation Is by Salvadore Poe. A beautiful book of inquiry. Sal simply refers to what we are as Aware. 🥚
“There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen
One of my favorites 🥚
Sunny side up 🍳
I am the ocean in the drop “ Rumi” still resonates…
Brillant. My last article is actually about cracking the egg. It’s about breaking free from the comfort of the familiar and venture into the unknown, even if it means facing fear of uncertainty. Too much comfort leads to support the programming in a vicious circle. 🙏
Yup! Conditioned to believe this from day 1. So if you do miraculously realise your true nature its down to chance.
Is mental affliction often linked with the one trying to break free?
I don't know. It wasn't for me. It was for some.
I bought a box of 6 eggs.
After opening the box, one egg had cracked open & spilled. 1
The next egg was cracked, but not spilt. 2
The next one, I dropped on the floor. 3
The one after smelt iffy. 4
A 2 yolker was next, but had weird red veins in it. 5
The last egg was perfect, apart from a huge feather was stuck to it. 6
I ate all 6 eggs.
Profound words!
Where is my mother in this story?
This is beautiful 🤌🔥
The crack in the egg of self leads to cracks in all "things" - everything that is "thinged" for our purposes.
Phrases like "the shell that never was" are enticingly liberating, and should be qualified with something like "and never will be." That there never was any real shell, that there can never be a permanent, static shell - these are liberating perceptions. And there is value in letting these perceptions soak for a while *without* an impending caveat that we need selves and shells in order to function as we do. WorldsArise sometimes refers to this as the "necessary illusion" or "shared dreaming."
We are still trying to figure out healthy ways to speak to this stuff.
The perception of "separate self" is a lie/illusion that we *have* to believe in order to exist, function, and take care of needs as we do. That makes it a kind of truth. Herein lies the mystery and crux of the mindfuck at the core of our experience. This is where g-d lives, where spirit works, and where thoughts & meaning source from.