Sep 24Liked by Kat

It kinda answers everything but not really.

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So simple.

So complex for mind.

“Realisation is not available to persons.

The only possibility is that the Impersonal wakes up to itself.

What believed itself to be a person experiencing life as a bodymind realizes it’s not a person.”

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... and this finally unveils peace in all the souls that read you Kat.. since non duality can be found nowhere... everywhere...in everyone... and a good reason to keep reading you Kat... is... cause we Love you so so much 🥰

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The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.

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"....no one has it and no one can give it to you...The only possibility is that the Impersonal wakes up to itself..."

Basis your above insight, there was an Eastern tradition of TOTAL, UNCONDITIONAL surrendering of one's mind desires wishes etc which actually was a sort of EMPTYING oneself so that the Impersonal gets the space to express itself, wakes up to itself 🙏🏼

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Wow. Such useful, subtle pointers to reality. Appreciated!

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“Kat laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't realise impossible things.'

"I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've realised as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes my mind again!”

[with apologies to all concerned]

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Sep 24Author

Apology accepted 😝

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Sep 24Liked by Kat

It's indeed impossible to explain non-duality with words. I admire your determinatie to try to get as many people as possible to see from this non-duality perspective. Your doing a great job trying to bring the joy of oneness into the perspective of as many people as possible. It's not a goal you want to achieve because there is no goal. Or is the goal that human (ego) consciousness is necessary to become conscious of the interconnectedness with everything, one big consciousness, beyond words as the fleeting everlasting present moment is...infinity!

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Perhaps ‘One’ can realize?

Well, you just said no one.. 😬🙃

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Sep 24Liked by Kat

‘Even worse…’ 😄

Thanks for your writings, I know they just come but still thanks 🧡

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“No one understands, realizes, or can communicate the nondual.” - All we can do is experience it, and the peace and joy it brings.

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Nice picture 😊

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