David R Hawkins said this..."the ego has the notion that it will be there at your awakening"...and then laughed a great deal. He was saying exactly what you are saying Kat. Thank you as always.

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We are at the junction or are the portal 😀. Partical and wave at the same time without time, space and a self 🙏

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A "self that can't ever awaken" TRYING to awake: And this self wonders why there's suffering in that movement. Hilarious to see and agonizing until its seen.

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And the image?

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I think Kat has a big box with all kinds of photos (possible and impossible ones). Every time she needs one, she shakes the box and takes the one that falls out. We don't have to worry 😂

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Well expressed. The irony indeed!

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Nature is one, but all brains are two-fold 😱

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"what you really want is for your self to awaken" Nondual Self experiences dual self through dreaming, sometimes at night but mostly during the day. Birth is an awakening into a dream that only ends upon death. Another awakening then occurs??

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Both and... Without contradiction.

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